The most important part of the trial balance process is the trial balance import process. 

To manage or create a new import navigate to the Imports tab in the Trial Balance step.

You will see a list of previous imports.  To create a new import press the Upload CSV button in the top right.

Import Configuration

In this step it is important to have the data (csv) file open to review the column definitions as the the import tool is configurable to the csv column order.

If your csv has a column containing the data requested in the import config screen, use the dropdown to set the column's index in the file.  The first column has index 1.

** Note **

The GL Code column and the GL Name can be configured to have the same index if the data for the GL code and GL name is not separated.  At the time the importer will split the data based on a "space" character.  eg. "1000 Cash Account" which will set 1000 as the GL Account Code and "Cash Account" as the GL Account label. 

** Note **

The debit and Credit columns can be set to the same index.  Us this if the data in the CR/DR column is combined.  Positive values in that column will be considered debits and negative values will be credits.

Select the Ignore Zero Balance if you do not want to include a row that contains 0 for the both DR/CR.

Select the "Choose File" button and use the file explorer to navigate to the file.

Select the "Next" button.

Verify Upload

After hitting "Next" a new modal will display showing the data ready for import.  Review the data to ensure the column definitions were correct.  If they were not, press "Cancel Import" and try again.

When satisfied, press the "Next" button.

Match Accounts

The program will search the GL Accounts already existing for the client and match the incoming GL Account data if one is found.  

If there isn't an account the user will be required to match to an existing GL account or to add the new data to the  create new GL account list.

Create GL Accounts

If there are trial balance entries that are not matched to an existing account, select the GL entries from the list of Unmatched Trial Balance Entries  and press the "Create New GL Accounts" button.  This will create new GL accounts for the client and associate the new entries to those accounts.  

Match GL Account

If an incoming trial balance entry should be mapped to an existing account, select the Unmatched Trial Balance Entry  from the left column and the GL Account to map it to from the right column (Available GL Accounts). Press the "Match GL Account" button to match the trial balance entry. 

Once the Unmatched Trial Balance Entries list is empty, press the "Next" button to review.

Process Data

The next screen will display the staged data.  Review the entries.  If they are correct, press "Run Batch". 

 If there are any issues "Close" the import window.  Start the process again by "Cancelling Import" on the first screen, and start again.

The data will be processes and if successful the following message should appear.

Import Management

Closing the window above will display the trial balance import list.  

It is possible to delete the imports from here.  Please note that deleting an import will not delete GL Accounts, those must be managed in the "GL maintenance" tab.